STILLS: Landing page
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Chapter 1
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Chapter 2
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Chapter 3
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Chapter 4
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Chapter 5
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Chapter 6
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: history
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

STILLS: Contact Page
Desktop + Mobile
Desktop + Mobile

We at Societal were invited to pitch website designs for Royal Holdings. They are a group focused on property investments. The team sat through a very engaging run-through of the company by the owner, Mr Raj Kumar, and the insights gathered were aplenty.
The site was to host 2 companies, Royal Holdings and RB Capital, as a single entity. Royal Holdings is reputed for its highly massive portfolio, but its profile as a true Singaporean dynasty is inconspicuous. One of the main targets of the brief was to address this. Mr Raj felt it was time that his company's legacy was told.
For my concept, I wanted to relay the stories narrated by Mr Raj, as well as to bring out the richness and history of his company. There is your run-of-the-mill humble origin stories, and there is Royal Holdings. My concept was to narrate this like a movie/novel. Company milestones were adapted as chapters, and in each chapter, there will be an audio element.
I proposed that we have Mr Raj narrating his family story as per chapter. Apart from the audio being played in each chapter, there will be visuals that show elements unique to that period. And for the later chapters, the story will then be narrated by his son Mr Rishi, to mark a new dawn for the company. To drive the idea of the 'movie' home, the landing page was designed to exude the feel of theatrical posters.
With an approach this bold, this concept stands a strong chance of standing out from the contemporaries in the industry, and ensures that the legacy of the Royal Holdings dynasty is being heard loud and clear.