The Project
Keeping in line of doing up art for songs and musicians I like, this one's done with @wormrot.official in mind.
Growing up enjoying art on @hydraheadrecords has definitely influenced my visual approach towards music of the abrasive nature. While I do enjoy the visuals often associated with said music, I'm always open to an alternative route to take the listener on, to provide that extra twist. An art direction that often comes to mind is the Inalienable Dreamless record by Discordance Axis.
From the little observation I have with @rotworks and @000barracuda, I picked up some cues from their interests in comics, sci-fi, cult movies etc. Initially I wanted to move towards a more subdued route, but after playing around with the layers, the wilder color schemes seem to be more banging.
Custom typeface was designed for the words, Exit Fear, which is a track from their Voices album. At the bottom left is the Wormrot logo designed by @rotworks
Growing up enjoying art on @hydraheadrecords has definitely influenced my visual approach towards music of the abrasive nature. While I do enjoy the visuals often associated with said music, I'm always open to an alternative route to take the listener on, to provide that extra twist. An art direction that often comes to mind is the Inalienable Dreamless record by Discordance Axis.
From the little observation I have with @rotworks and @000barracuda, I picked up some cues from their interests in comics, sci-fi, cult movies etc. Initially I wanted to move towards a more subdued route, but after playing around with the layers, the wilder color schemes seem to be more banging.
Custom typeface was designed for the words, Exit Fear, which is a track from their Voices album. At the bottom left is the Wormrot logo designed by @rotworks
Photos used this collage are taken from the Unsplash site.
The photographers are:
Serge Kutuzov / @Serge_K
Sonia Dauer / @keep.up.scrolling
The photographers are:
Serge Kutuzov / @Serge_K
Sonia Dauer / @keep.up.scrolling