Cover design

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A2 Poster
Offline promotional material

A3 Poster

The Project
Was engaged by Adel to do the art for Amateur Takes Control's latest release, EP2. This to date our fourth ATC collaboration, and it's been a good one so far. Adel provided input and art direction and we took it from there. Among the ATC covers we've worked on, visually this is probably most aggressive. Art direction is applied to the promotional material as well. For the merchandise , Adel wanted a more toned down approach, i just expanded on the ATC logotype done. While i was doing the A2 sized poster, the look sort of reminded me of an underworld album cover, so i just rode on with it. Visuals are also being planned for this show, will update once it's ready.
Come down to the show. Details are here: ATC EP2 Launch Show
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